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Light and Shadow
Mary Larsen

​Mary Larsen



Through disparate materials such as paint, ink, paper, found images, maps and silkscreen, Mary Larsen layers imagery on canvas and transforms pages of books to create ephemeral ‘dream-scapes’ in which images of violence and beauty collide and become confused; and time is not linear, but layered or spatial. Often, she finds balance and harmony through imbalance and dissonance. By both obscuring and revealing parts of the book; rubbing out and making marks, erasing one history and replacing it with another, a new history emerges only to disappear. 

Raised in New York City, Mary Larsen attended an art magnet high school then studied printmaking and lmmaking at Hampshire College. Her education continued through her extensive travels throughout Europe, India, Nepal and China, lling sketchbooks and immersing herself in the art and culture of the places she stayed. She completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts at Florida International University, graduating Magna Cum Laude. She has lived, worked and exhibited in New York City, San Francisco, San Juan, PR and currently resides in Miami. Her work is in corporate and individual collections in New York, Miami, and San Juan.











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